About Me
I am Lena Maung Yin, evidence based hypnotherapist and yoga teacher, mum to two amazing children and nature enthusiast.
I love learning new things, both in the mental as well as physical realm, exploring nature with my husband, kids, and friends, collaborating with people by connecting our creative endeavours in the name of service and wholeness for the greater good, travelling, delicious food, and books.
Oh, and my profession, of course!
My Vision
is to support you to live as wholly and joyfully as possible, so that you can add your unique, beautiful way of being into the symphony of life.
This way, a more loving, interconnected world can grow, starting from the roots.
My Mission
is to provide an ever-evolving therapeutic approach, meeting each client as an individual, to ultimately untangle limiting beliefs that hold you back, so that your true self is free to shine.
I aim to offer a real safe space for everyone, and expressively so for marginalized neurodivergent people (HSP, giftedness, ADHD, ASD, ...).
My Values
that carry and guide me are Love, love of learning, fairness, perspective, appreciation, gratitude, curiosity, social intelligence, and creativity.
They enable me in cultivating my vision and mission in a way that feels reciprocal and rewarding.
The Inner Call
to find a career that resonates with my purpose of reconnecting people with who they truly are has been extraordinarily strong, guiding me through life reliably as I tried to figure that out for myself, too.
Connecting with people, based on understanding and appreciating who they are, while seeing and bringing forth their potential to unfold further, is my driving force.
This is where the evidence-based Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy ties in brilliantly – it is an approach that alchemizes the most impactful techniques from a variety of disciplines like CBT, Gestalt, NLP, Positive Psychology and many more, grounded in a framework of real mutual connection between equals. Because after all, we are all fellow strugglers!
It is rounded up by the art of Wordweaving - an individual hypnosis based on each client's unique experience of the world which I write from scratch each time anew.
I appreciate the solid framework and the immense creativity that QCH provides for both me as a therapist and you as the client.
Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy is based on three pillars:
- Trance is an everyday phenomenon
- All behaviour has a purpose
- Everyone is unique, no labels
I'd love to tell you more about it in a chat, you can reach out via the contact form.
In the meantime, you can watch this short video where the founder explains the three pillars of QCH himself.
So, while I started my career by studying China Studies/East Asian Sciences and Political Sciences (B.A., at Free University Berlin), working as a student research assistant in two Max-Planck-Institutes (MPI for the History of Science and later at the MPI for Human Development), at a political consulting associated with Free University in EU-China relations, and later at a start-up for supporting gifted people with a focus on gifted women in their work environments, what I enjoyed most in each of my endeavours where the various fascinating ways in which people make sense of themselves, each other, and the world.
I've lived in Japan (when I was 16 years old for almost a year) and Taiwan (when I was 20 for half a year) to learn Japanese and Chinese and immerse myself in their respective cultural landscapes. These experiences further opened my world view to the vast variety of human expression and the many layers that comprise them.
I love languages deeply as they each convey an entire universe of meaning making in their own regard. I've learned Spanish, English, French, Japanese and Chinese, my native language is German. I work in German and English.
With the heart-based Anusara Yoga, a hatha yoga style, I found a home in the yogic world.
I blend in all my other areas of interest and expertise to offer an approach that is holistically balancing modern anatomy and alignment with ancient yogic wisdom and my heartfelt energy of creating a space for deep reconnection, grounding, and vitality. Together with my dear yogi*nis, we create a state of calm centred wakefulness.
I am constantly growing and creating, so stay tuned for further unfoldings and offerings on my website! :)
Looking forward to meeting you soon and
much love,
You Can Also Find My Contributions Here
Emergence: Contemplations & Creative Expressions of the Gifted Feminine
This is the GMC's first contemplative writing and art compilation featuring essays, reflections, poetry, artwork and resources centered on the gifted feminine. The culmination of a year-long labor of love, more than 35 entries are included here where gifted and twice-exceptional women give voice to the gifted feminine, re-story their lived experiences in patriarchal and normative structures, and begin reclaiming the parts of themselves that have been denied and exiled for too long. The multiplicity of stories in this compilation gives rise to the rich, complex tapestry of the gifted feminine.
Retrieving the Bones: Restoring & Re-Storying the Gifted Feminine
The GMC's second compilation, this is the result of a yearlong contemplative journey taken by 20 gifted women into the past to "retrieve the bones" – to bring back the voices of gifted women who came before us via ancestors, archetypal figures, myths and folktales; the voices that were silenced by the forces of power-over systems; the energies that have been excluded from conscious awareness preventing us from accessing the fullness of our feminine wisdom and our gifts.